首页 -> 2007年第11期
作者:高丽君 陶德清
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A Review of Researches on the Intelligence of Deaf Children
GAO Lijun TAO Deqing
(Department of Psychology,South China Normal University,Guangzhou,510631)
Abstract People used to think deaf children have low level of intelligence development because their language activities are restricted by their impaired hearing channels. But later researches find that the intellectual function is independent of language,therefore,deafness can not directly lead to intellectual retardation. A series of researches indicate that deaf children show normal performance on nonverbal IQ tests. And deaf children who use the sign language have better competencies than normal hearing children on several kinds of visuospatial tasks. Deaf children's scores of IQ tests are related to test tools and test implementation methods. In addition,the development of deaf children's intelligence is also influenced by the factors of heredity,society and education.
Key words deaf children normal hearing children intelligence intelligence test performance test