首页 -> 2007年第11期


作者:高丽君 陶德清

  5 结语
  1 Braden,Jeffery P. Intellectual assessment of deaf and hard-of-hearing people:A quantitative and qualitative research synthesis. School Psychology Review,1992,21(1):82-95
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  10 Srivastava S,Selvi,G. Test reviews for deaf students:cognitive assessment instruments used with deaf and hard of hearing students. Child Psychiatry Quarterly,1988,21(3):87-107
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  12 曲成毅,孙喜斌,郑日昌等. 我国1758例聋儿智力发育现状调查. 中华耳鼻咽喉科杂志,1995,30(6):361-364
  13 鲍永清. 聋儿与听力正常儿童智力测验的比较研究. 中国特殊教育,2000,(3):22-30
  14 王玉琼,王玉娥. 我国特殊教育管理模式:现状、成因及对策分析. 中国特殊教育,2003,(6):67-71
  15 Terri Feher-Prout. Stress and coping in families with deaf children. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education,1996,1(3):156-165
  16 Powers Stephen. Influences of student and family factors on academic outcomes of mainstream secondary school deaf students. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education,2003,8(1):57-78

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