首页 -> 2007年第10期



  11 Thomas L. Good , Jennifer S. Braden, Charter schools: another reform failureor a worthwhile investment, 81 Phi Delta Kappan, 2000: 745-750
  12 Jacob K. Javits.Gifted and talented students education program. http://www.e d.gov/pubs/Biennial/618.html,2007-10-24
  13 Joseph S. Renzulli, What makes giftedness? reexamining a definition. 60 PhiDelta Kappan, 1978:180-184
  14 Joseph Berger. Federal law drains resources for the gifted. http://www.nytim es.com/2007/02/07/education/07education.html?_r=1&oref=slogin,2007-2-7
  15 [美]兰祖利,丰富教学模式. 上海:华东师范大学出版社,2000:15
  16 U.S. Dep't of Education., Digest of education statistics 54 (2001), http://n ces.ed.gov/programs/digest/dol/tables/PDF/table054.pdf, 2004-9-3
  17 Mary Lou Herring. Model Federal Statute for the Education of Talented and Gi fted Children, Chi.-Kent L. Rev. 1991:1035
  18 Suzannc E Eckes.Connecticut General Statistics. 1991: 76
  19 Massachusetts association for gifted education. http://www.massgifted.org/ i ndex.html , 2004-9-2
  20 Margaret Weertz.The benefits of theme schools. Educational Leadership,2002:6 8-71
  21 Council for exceptional children. public policy update. gifted and talentedstudents, http://www.cec.sped.org/pp, 2004-9-8
  22 Frances Karnes, Debra Troxclair. Due process in gifted education. 20 Roe perReview, (4):278-283
  23 Central York School District v. Cmmw., Pennsylvania. Cmmw. 1979:167
  24 Broadley v. Board Of Education, Connecticut,1994:502
  25 Frances Karnes & Debra Troxclair (March 1997). The Office for Civil Rights a nd the Gifted: An Update. 19 Roeper Review,1997(3): 62-66
  26 Richard Blumenthal. Attorney general's opinion. http://www.kids.ct.gov/ag/cw p/view.asp?A=1770&Q=281626.1996-12-13
  27 Keyes v. Cong. of Hispanic Educators, 902 F. Supp. ,D. CoIo. 1995:1301-1310
  28 Hoagie's gifted education. http://www.hoagicsgiftcd.org/schools.htm, 2004-12 -5
  29 Stargate School. http://www.stargateschool.org/brochure.html , 2004-12-5
  30 Metrolina regional scholars academy . http://www.scholarsacademy.org/, 2004- 12-5
  31 Amick, Marcus. Learning for a lifetime: Westside charter school works to mak e core values a part of the education process. http://findarticles.com/p/article s/mihb5091/is200105/ain18513335,2001-5-15
  32 Richard Blumenthal. Attorney general's opinion. http://www.kids.ct.gov/ag/cw p/view.asp?A=1770&Q=281626,1996-12-13

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