首页 -> 2007年第11期



  3.2 临床评估的不足与展望
  1 American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC). Practice guidelines:investigative interviewing in cases of alleged child abuse. Charleston,SC:APSAC,2002.1-150
  2 Britton HL,O'Keefe MA. Use of nonanatomical dolls in the sexual abuse interview. Child Abuse and Neglect,1991,15(4):567-573
  3 Carnes CN. Forensic evaluation of children when sexual abuse is suspected. Huntsville,AL:National Children's Advocacy Center,2000.1-68
  4 Fanetti MN. The assessment of factors which may produce bias in forensic interviews of children:a followup study utilizing cooccuring biasing factors and a test-retest methodology. PhD. Reno:clinical psychology of University of Nevada,1999
  5 Haidar BL. Predictors of treatment process and outcome for sexually abused children. PhD. New Hampshire:clinical psychology of University of Antioch,2005
  6 Santtila P,Korkman J,Sandnabba NK. Effects of interview phase,repeated interviewing,presence of a support person,and anatomically detailed dolls on child sexual abuse interviews. Psychology,Crime,and Law,2004,10(1):21-35
  7 Cantlon J,Payne G,Erbaugh C. Outcome-based practice:disclosure rates of child sexual abuse comparing allegation blind and allegation informed structured interviews. Child Abuse and Neglect,1996,20(11):1113-1120
  8 London K,Nunez N. Examining the efficacy of truth/lie discussions in predicting and increasing the veracity of children's reports. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology ,2002,83(2):131-147
  9 Davies GM,Westcott HL,Horan N.The impact of questioning style on the content of investigative interviews with suspected child sexual abuse victims. Psychology,Crime,and Law,2000,6(2):81-97
  10 Lamb ME,Garretson ME. The effects of interviewer gender and child gender on the informativeness of alleged child sexual abuse victims in forensic interviews.Law and Human Behavior,2003,27(2):157-171
  11 Lamb ME,Fauchier A. The effects of question type on self-contradictions by children in the course of forensic interviews. Applied Cognitive Psychology,2001,15(5):483-491

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