首页 -> 2007年第11期


作者:植凤英 张进辅

  4.3 社会支持与学习乐观的关系
  5 结论
  (1) 苗族初中生的学习乐观整体上表现出积极趋势,但其结构的内部发展不平衡,学习效能乐观明显低于学习期望乐观,并有一定比例的学生学习乐观水平较低。
  (2) 苗族初中生的学习乐观存在显著的性别差异和一定的年级差异,初二学生的学习乐观水平最低;苗族学生的学习乐观水平显著低于汉族学生。
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  Learning Optimism of Junior High School Students of the Miaos:Current Situations and Its Relationship with Social Support
  ZHI Fengying1 ZHANG Jinfu2
  (1.School of Educational Sciences,Guizhou Normal University,Guiyang,550001;
  2.School of Psychology,Southwest University,Chongqing,400715)
  Abstract This study explores current situations of learning optimism of 386 junior high school students of the Miaos and its relationship with social support through questionnaire. The results show:(1) Learning optimism of junior high school students of the Miaos tends to be positive as a whole,but the development of inner construction is unbalanced in that learning effectiveness optimism is significantly lower than learning expectation optimism,and the level of learning optimism of a certain portion of students is still low. (2) There is significant gender difference of learning optimism of junior high school students of the Miaos,and certain degree of grade difference,and the level of the learning optimism of Miaos students is significantly lower than that of Han students. (3) All kinds of subjective support and support utilization can predict learning optimism significantly.
  Key words learning optimism social support junior high school students of the Miaos

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