>>> 2008年第5期

Religious Roots and Cultural Connotation of the taboos in Uyghur


  Taboos come into being on the basis of various root causes with the social economic development of a nation. Some taboos are related to the religious beliefs while some others are closely in relation to the peculiar natural environment and humanity environment. Taboos have been passed down among generation by generation and played a very important role in intensifying the self-identity and national unity in Uyghur. However, some taboos also have some side effects on the production and social life. Therefore, for the purpose of social progress in Uyghur, some taboos with passive impacts are to be discarded. Nowadays, some taboos for women have been changing so as to develop tourism in Kashgar, a city with the majority of Uyghur residents. Women tourists are allowed to enter the mosque to visit the glamour of the Islamic culture.
  [2]维吾尔族节日及禁忌.from: http://www.out99.com/outdata/html/info837.html.
  [3]维吾尔族的盐崇拜.from: http://www.grapesvalley.com/manager/show.php?id=32.
  [4]维吾尔族崇馕观念.from: http://www.soochina.cn/article/articleshow.asp?ID=11685.
  [5] Harry A. Samovar & Richard E. Porter, Intercultural Communication: A Reader 1982 Belmw, California: Wadsworth Publishing Company.
  [6] http://www.islamworld.net.
  [7] http://www.lifepositive.com/spirit/god/food.asp.
  [8] http://www.das.ufl.edu/users/bkimura/food preferences.
  【作者简介】潘帅英(1978- ),女,河南濮阳人,喀什师范学院外语教研室讲师,新疆大学2005英语语言文学在职研究生,研究方向:大学英语教学改革,翻译与文化。

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