>>> 2008年第5期

Religious Roots and Cultural Connotation of the taboos in Uyghur


  (五)Ancestor Worship
  Influenced by the Samna, the Uyghur respect and worship the dead and the ancestors. They usually associate their success in career and happiness in family with the blessing of the dead and ancestors. As a result, some taboos related to cemetery have come into being. It is tabooed to ride a horse, a mule or a donkey when they pass by the cemetery and mausoleums. It is forbidden to take the earth from the tomb because they believe it will let the tomb trample down. It is tabooed to set up a toilet or pig house. It is also tabooed to relieve oneself, to spit, and to blow the nose in the cemetery.
  三、Islamic Influence on the Taboos in Uyghur
  The taboos in Uyghur are also influenced by the Islam. The Islamic teachings are immersed into the ethic morals, social etiquettes, festival celebrations and customs. There are various taboos in the words and deeds and feeding habits.
  (一)Influence on Words and Deeds
  The religious ceremonies are sacred including the time, the place, the attendants and the utensils to be used. The taboos in common are all the same for the purpose of being pious. Before each prayer, the Muslims are required to bathe and those who have not been bathed are forbidden to enter the mosque to pray, to recite the Qur’an , to enter the mihrab. From the religious connotation, bath not only can get rid of the dirt of one’s body but also discard the uncleanness off one’s soul. It is also tabooed to spit, yarn, and blow the nose while praying.
  It is absolutely tabooed for others to pass by from the front side of the prayers and trod on the carpet covered on the ground and mime the prayers’ actions and laughing loudly. Meanwhile, it is tabooed to pray to other gods for the spirit of obedience to Allah. In the Holy Qur’an, it reads that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad is his messenger. It is forbidden to worship any idol. It is also tabooed to put your feet towards the west while sleeping because the west is the place where the sacred city Mecca locates.
  It is tabooed to toss away the food or waste any food because the Uyghur believe that food are blessed by Allah and are sacred.
  (二)Influence on Dietary Habits
  Food is essential to life and to the religious experience as well. Every religion has rituals where food is offered to the worshipped, shared, eaten, or even tabooed. A taboo is something unmentionable, and a food taboo is food you must not eat. Food taboos can be based on religious beliefs. Muslim dietary laws forbid pork, making it a taboo meat. There are various explanations for pork taboo. In the Holy Qur’an, pigs are regarded as being unclean. Pigs wallow in their excrements to keep cool in hot and dry environments and it may carry the disease, trichinosis, if undercooked. Therefore pigs are unclean and unhealthy and tabooed and the dietary restrictions may have been created to prevent trichinosis. They think that clean and edible animals should have cloven hooves and chew cud while pigs have cloven hooves but don’t chew cud, so it is tabooed. But for others, the restriction is arbitrary and is a way to test the faith to Allah. Food taboos were a codification of existing practice rather than the imposition of a new rule, an attempt to give a religious explanation for an existing state of affairs in which the early Israelites did not eat pork etc. Muslims will eat only halal meat obtained by slitting the throat of the beast and letting it bleed to death. It is tabooed for the Uyghur to eat the self-death animals and non-halal food.

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