首页 -> 2007年第8期


作者:梁占锁 冯秀华

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  A Study on Physical Fitness Consciousness and
  Behaviors of Disabled Students in Special
  Schools in Hebei Province
   LIANG Zhansuo FENG Xiuhua
  (Department of Education, Handan Institute, Handan, 056001)
  AbstractThis article investigates and analyzes physical fitness consciousness and behaviors of disabled students in special schools in Hebei province using the method of questionnaire. The results show that the disabled students have no clear understanding of goals and significance of physical fitness and their fitness consciousness is weak. At the same time,they have no deep understanding of scientific meaning of health.They have strong wishes to take part in physical exercises but have retarding behaviors. Aiming at this, this article explains the reasons and proposes some suggestions.
  Key wordsdisabled students fitness consciousness fitness behavior
