首页 -> 2007年第5期



  1 Wehrman JD. A survey of CACREP liaisons′attitudes regarding the ethics、training、and practice of internet counseling in counselor education programs. PhD. South Dakota: Division of Counseling and Psychology in Education of University of South Dakota,2004
  2 Wright J. Online counselling: learning from writing therapy. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling,2002,30(3):285-298
  3 Suler, J. Psychotherapy in cyberspace: a 5-dimensional model of online and computer-mediated psychotherapy. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 2000,3(2):151-160
  4 Elleven RK, Allen J. Applying technology to online counseling: suggestions for the beginning E-therapist. Journal of instructional psychology,2004,31(3):223-228
  5 Alleman JR. Online counseling: the internet and mental health treatment. Psychotherapy: Theory、Research、Practice、Training,2002, 39(2):199-209
  6 Castelnuovo G, Gaggioli A , Mantovani F , et al. New and old tools in psychotherapy: the use of technology for the integration of traditional clinical treatments. Psychotherapy: Theory、Research、Practice、Training,2003,40(1/2):33-44
  7 Rotondi AJ,Haas GL,Anderson CM,et al. A clinical trial to test the feasibility of a telehealth psychoeducational intervention for persons with schizophrenia and their families:intervention and 3-month findings.Rehabilitation Psychology,2005,50(4):325-336
  8 林世鸿.大专生电子邮件谘商中个案特性——谘商员口语反应与谘商满意度之分析.硕士论文.台湾:台中师范学院谘商与教育心理研究所,2003
  9 Hall P. Online psychosexual therapy: a summary of pilot study findings.Sexual and Relationship Therapy,2004,19(2):167-178
  10 Finn J. MSW student perceptions of the efficacy and ethic of internet-based therapy. Journal of Social Work Education,2002,38(3):403-419
  11 Mallen MJ, Day SX, Green MA. Online versus face-to-face conversations: an examination of relational and discourse variables. Psychotherapy: Theory、Research、Practice、Training,2003,40(1/2): 155-163
  12 Rassau A, Arco L. Effects of chat-based on-line cognitive behavior therapy on study related behavior and anxiety. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy,2003,31: 377-381
  13 Day SX, Schneider PL. Psychotherapy using distance technology: a comparison of face-to-face, video,and audio treatment.Journal of Counseling Psychology,2002,49: 499-503
  14 张匀铭,以全球信息网为接口之认知治疗网络实时谘商-以忧郁情绪当事人为例.硕士论文.台湾:彰化师范大学辅导与谘商学系,2004
  15 李伟健,孙炳海,桑晓芳等.我国大陆地区网络心理咨询的现实考察与未来展望.中国行为医学科学,2004,13(6):702-703
  16 Leibert T, Archer J, Munson J, et al. An exploratory study of client perceptions of internet counseling and the therapeutic alliance. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 2006,28(1):69-83

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