首页 -> 2007年第2期
作者:蒋 波 谭顶良
4.2 合作学习对学差生社会性发展的影响
5 结论
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An Experimental Research on Transforming Students
with Learning Disabilities through Cooperative
Learning in Primary Schools
JIANG Bo TAN Dingliang
(School of Education, Jiangsu Teachers University of Technology, Changzhou, 213001
School of Educational Science, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, 210097)
With 12-week intervention in teaching, this research uses nonequivalent group design between pre-test and post-test and uses the peer-relationship questionnaire, the Self-Esteem Scale (SES) and Social Anxiety Scale for Children (SASC) as the measurement tools to probe into the feasibility of transforming students with learning disabilities through cooperative learning in class in primary schools,and to examine cooperative learning's influence on the academic achievement,peerrelationship,selfesteem and social anxiety of students with learning disabilities. The results show that compared with the control group, those students who accept cooperative learning can greatly improve their academic achievements. In particular, their achievement of mathematics has a significant difference. Their peer relationship has been improved a lot. Their self-esteem increases and social anxiety decreases significantly. It indicates that cooperative learning is the effective approach to transform students with learning disabilities, which is not only necessary, but also entirely feasible.
Key words
cooperative learning students with learning disabilities academic achievement sociality