首页 -> 2007年第2期


作者:张巧明 曹冬艳

  1 郑思明,阳志平.试论质的研究方法及其对当前心理学研究的意义.福建师范大学福清分校学报,2004,(1):64-66
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  4 “新形势下特殊儿童思想品德教育调查与研究”课题组.特殊儿童思想品德教育研究.上海:上海教育出版社,1999.130
  5 刘晓瑜.教育研究方法的新取向——质的教育研究方法.教育理论与实践,1998,(5):18
  6 杜晓新.试论特殊儿童心理学研究的特点与方法.心理科学,2002,25(5):552-554
  7 陈向明.质的研究方法与社会科学研究.北京:教育科学出版社,2000.425
  Qualitative Research and Its Application in
  Researches on Psychology of Exceptional Children
  ZHANG Qiaoming CAO Dongyan
  (College of Psychology and Education, Ludong University, 264025
  Qualitative research is a kind of research paradigm deeply and carefully investigating the object in natural conditions, which is widely used in every branch of educational researches. This article illustrates the application of qualitative research in researches on psychology of exceptional children from the aspects of basic features of researches on psychology of exceptional children, and the inherent congruence between qualitative research and researches on psychology of exceptional children.
  Key words
  qualitative research psychology of exceptional children

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