首页 -> 2007年第5期



  析:modification or alternation 两个词并列使用,是为了强调它们之间的差别,达到词义互补的目的,他们分别对应中文含义“修改”和“变更”。
  例3.This Contract is hereby made and concluded by and between the Seller and the Buyer and the Seller whereby agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to buy the under-mentioned commodity under the terms and conditions specified as follows.双方同意按照下列条款由卖方出售、买方购进下列货物。
  析:例句中的“hereby”相当于“as a result of this statement”,但是前者比后者不仅简洁,而且正规;同样,“whereby”相当于“by that”,但是比“by that”用词简洁。类似的古体词还有:hereafter (after this in the contract),herein(in this contract),hereinafter(later and including… in the same contract),hereof(of this contract),hereunder(under this contract),hereon(about the point mentioning),thereafter(after that/),thereby (by that point/means),therein(to the point referred),thereinafter(after/since that point on),thereof(of that point mentioned),thereupon(therefore),whereas(considering),wherein(in terms and conditions),whereof (of the point noted),whereon(on the point referred to)。
  合同的核心是合同义务。因此,表示履行义务的字眼“应”、“须”、“应当”在外贸合同文本中出现频率很高。“shall”表明合同条款内容为“强制性规范”,即当事人必须遵守,否则就构成违约[7]。除了频繁使用“shall”之外,合同文本中间还经常使用“must”和“be bound to do something”等字眼来说明合同当事人之间的义务。由于权利具有“选择性”的特征,因此合同文本经常使用“may”或“be entitled to do something”来说明当事人对权利的选择。
  例4.On FOB,CFR and CIF basis,the Seller shall,immediately upon the completion of the loading of the goods,give a shipping notice to the Buyer by Telex/Fax.在FOB、CFR和CIF条件下,卖方在货物装船完毕后应立即以电传/传真向买方发出装船通知。
  2.5通过should引导的虚拟语气委婉说明可能会出 现的情况
  例5.All disputes arising from the Contract shall,through amicable negotiation by the parties thereto,be settled.Should through negotiation no settlement be reached,the case in question shall then be submitted for arbitration to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission and the arbitration rules of this Commission shall be applied.因履行本合同所发生的一切争议,双方应友好协商解决,如协商不能解决争议,则应将争议提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会,依据其仲裁规则仲裁。
  析:合同文本中的“Should through negotiation no settlement be reached”相当于“if no settlement should be reached through negotiation”,表达万一可能会出现的争议通过协商不能解决,需要提交仲裁委员会进行裁决的情况。
  例6.Partial shipment and the transshipment are not allowed.不允许分批装运或转船。
  例7.In case the quality and/or quantity/weight of the goods found by the Buyer are not in conformity with the provisions of the Contract after arrival of the goods at the port of destination,the Buyer may lodge claim with the Seller on such strength of the inspection certificate issued by an inspection organization as is agreed by the Parties to the Contract,with the exception,however,of those claims for which the insurance company and/or the shipping company are to be held responsible.在货物运抵目的港后,一旦发现货物之质量、数量和重量与合同规定的不符,买方可以凭借双方同意的检验组织所出具的检验证书,向卖方索赔。但是,应由保险公司或航运公司负责承担的损失除外。

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