首页 -> 2006年第5期


作者:思 晴

  《剧院魅影》(又名:《歌剧院的幽灵》)改编自法国作家Gaston Leroux的同名小说,讲述了19世纪发生在巴黎歌剧院的一个神秘而凄美的爱情悲剧。可以说,它是20世纪80年代以来全世界最迷人、也最卖座的音乐剧之一,是音乐剧大师安德鲁·洛伊·韦伯的经典之作。《剧院魅影》自从1986年在伦敦、1988年在百老汇上演到现在,依然是一票难求,同时在许多个国家或地区都曾经陆续、甚至一再地上演。
  克里斯汀(Christine)本是剧团一个默默无闻的小演员,在一个偶然的机会中,顶替了剧团的首席女演员卡洛塔上台演唱。她那天使般的美妙歌声立刻受到了观众的热烈欢迎,也引起了她小时候的玩伴、英俊富有的子爵拉乌尔(Raoul)的注意。克里斯汀的进步得益于一位神秘老师的暗中教导。他就是人人谈之色变的“剧院幽灵”(the Phantom)。魅影(Phantom)的真名叫埃里克(Erik),是个集音乐家、建筑师、魔术师于一身的奇才。然而不幸的是,他天生一副畸形丑陋的面孔,被人们所恐惧和厌恶,所以不得不戴上面具,栖身于巴黎歌剧院迷宫般的地下室中。
  魅影和拉乌尔同时爱上了美丽的克里斯汀。克里斯汀对拉乌尔情有独钟,却也痴迷于魅影展现给她的美妙的音乐世界。受到乐声的蛊惑,她随幽灵来到了地下室。在这里,经典的唱段——《剧院魅影》(The Phantom of the Opera)和《夜之乐章》(The Music of the Night)回荡在空中,荡气回肠。魅影希望克里斯汀留在自己身边,克里斯汀却出于好奇,趁魅影不备揭开了他的面具,立刻被掩藏在面具后的那张脸所震惊。克里斯汀的这一举动使得魅影狂怒异常,经过一番自怜自艾后,他将克里斯汀送回了地面。
  It is 1911 and the contents of the Paris Opera House are being auctioned off 1. Present are the auctioneer, porters and bidders. Raoul, now seventy years old and in a wheelchair 2, buys a poster 3 and a music box 4. As the auctioneer displays the Opera House chandelier, he explains that it is connected with 5 the legend 6 of The Phantom 7 of the Opera. With a flash of light, the audience is flung back 8 in time, when the Paris Opera was at its height 9.
  Act 1
  We are thrust in the middle of a rehearsal 10 for the Opera Hannibal. Monsieur Lefèvre, the retiring 11 manager of the Opera, is showing the new managers, Monsieurs Firmin and André, the great stage. As the prima donna, Carlotta, is singing, a backdrop 12 falls to the floor 13, nearly killing her. The cry is raised, “t's The Phantom of the Opera!”Upset, Carlotta refuses to sing.
  Meg Giry, daughter of the ballet mistress 14, Madame Giry, suggests her friend, Christine Daaé, take Carlotta's place 15. Christine has been taking lessons from a mysterious new teacher.
  At her triumph in the Opera, is Raoul, a nobleman and patron of the Opera. Raoul recognizes Christine asa childhood friend 16. He comes backstage after the performance to escort 17 her to dinner, but Christine tells him she cannot go, because her teacher, “The Angel of Music,” is very strict.
   When Raoul leaves Christine's room, the Phantom appears. Christine is lured into the bowels of the Opera House, where the Phantom will continue her lessons.
  He leads her to his underground lair 18, where she sees a frightening vision 19 of herself in a wedding gown. She faints, only to be awakened 20 several hours later by the Phantom's music on the organ. Creeping up behind him, she rips off 21 his mask 22. Horrified, he takes her back to the surface.

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