首页 -> 2005年第2期


作者:思 晴

  Scene 2
  At the Opera House.
  Vivian: We're late.
  Edward: No, it's all right. Opening night never starts on time...(1)
  Vivian: ... So, you said this is in Italian.
  Edward: Mm mm.
  Vivian: So how I gonna know what they're saying?
  Edward: No, that's all right.
  Vivian: Oh?
  Edward: You'll know. Believe me, you'll understand. The music is very powerful.
  Vivian: There's a band.
  Edward: People's reaction to opera the first time they see it is very dramatic. They either love it or they hate it. If they love it, they will always love it. If they don't, they may learn to appreciate it, but it will never become part of their soul.(2)
  Vivian: Mm.
  A woman: Did you enjoy the opera, dear?
  Vivian: Oh, it was so good, I almost peed my pants.(3)
  (1)Opening night never starts on time:opening night表示首映式。首映式一般从不准时开始。这里还是让我们一起来关注一下西方礼仪。西方人看节目是绝对守时的。记得在伦敦看歌剧和音乐剧,如果迟到,即使是再昂贵的票也是不能入场的,因为这样会影响其他观众观看节目。
  (2)维维安发现歌剧是意大利语的,于是担心自己无法理解剧情。爱德华告诉她,music is very powerful.(音乐的力量是无穷的。)他又谈起人们对于歌剧的不同反应大多很极端,要不就是特别地喜欢,要不就是特别地讨厌。不过即使是讨厌歌剧的人,也在试图学着欣赏它,只是对于这些人而言,音乐永远无法成为他们灵魂中的一部分,永远无法触及他们的心灵深处罢了。
  (3)I almost peed my pants:我差点尿裤子。
  Scene 3
  In the hotel
  Edward: Vivian, what is it you want? What do you see happening between us?
  Vivian: I don't know. When I was a little girl, my mama used to lock me in the attic when I was bad, which was pretty often. And I would, I would pretend I was a princess trapped in the tower by a wicked queen.(1) And then suddenly this knight on a white horse with these color flyings (2) would come charging up and draw his sword. And I would wave. And he would climb up the tower and rescue me. But Never in all that time that I had this dream, did the knight say to me: Come on, baby, I'll put you up in a great condo(3)...
  (1)I would pretend I was a princess trapped in the tower by a wicked queen:我会把自己想象成一个被恶毒皇后囚禁在高塔中的公主。
  (2)color flyings: 飘扬的五彩旗帜。
  Scene 4
  Streetman: Welcome to Hollywood. What's your dream? Everybody comes here. This is Hollywood, land of dream. Some dreams come true, some don't. But keep on dreaming. This is Hollywood. Always time to dream, so keep on dreaming.
  总是觉得奇怪,这不过是一个现代版童话故事,一个有着好莱坞典型的双赢式结局、剧情毫无悬念的麻雀变凤凰的故事。男主角不是才子,而是一个生活在上流社会但却唯利是图的商人,女主角也不是什么佳人,而是一个生活在社会最底层的女子。可是,恰恰就是她,唤起了上流社会一个冷酷商人的良心与人性。当然,仅仅因为这些还够不上诗意,在电影快要结束之时,Roxette(瑞典乐队罗克塞特)那首“It must have been love”响起,亮丽的女声仿佛是天籁之声,回肠荡气。即使在电影散场以后很久很久,歌声仍会伴着故事情节在我的脑海里萦绕……
