应天故事汇 > 青春校园 > 皇家魔女学院① > | 上一页 下一页 |
七十 | |
歌声淡淡地散去,海瑟薇来到了流苏面前,伸手将绳索解开,流苏出神地望着她,久久没有言语。 绳索的结解开了,流苏得到了解脱,可是那晦暗无光的翅膀,却令海瑟薇倒在了他的怀里。 缠绵凄恻的轻音乐响了起来,恶魔将怀里的天使抱起,一步步走上了沼泽边,然后小心翼翼的将怀里软弱的身躯放平,低头审视着她苍白的面容。 “爱丽丝,我的爱丽丝,你不会有事的!请相信我,无论如何,我也不会让你有事的……”流苏的声音颤抖甚至带着浅浅哭腔,他用尽全力抱着那逐渐冰冷的躯体,只恨自己无能为力,只能看着她慢慢消逝。 海瑟薇慢慢张开了眼睛,即使是无尽的冰冷,也无法褪去她眼中晶莹的光彩。 “莱特尔,我从来不曾后悔过……莱特尔,你不能忘记我……你要为我……好好的活着……答应我。”海瑟薇虚弱地开口说道。 流苏的唇张了又合,合了又张,却怎么也说不出一个字,最终只能用力地点了点头。 海瑟薇释然一笑,最终闭上了双眼…… 流苏的心仿佛要裂开了一般,他轻轻开口,低低地唱着永别的歌—— “Never knew I could feel like this Like Ive never seen the sky before I want to vanish inside your kiss Every day I love you more and more Listen to my heart Can you hear it sings Telling me to give you everything Seasons may change Winter to spring But I love you until the end of time Come what may come what may I will love you until my dying day Suddenly the world seems Such a perfect place Suddenly it moves with Such a perfect grace Suddenly my life Doesnt seem such a waste But our world revolves around And theres no moutain too high No river too wide Sing out this song Ill be there by your side Storm clouds may gather And stars may collide But I love you until the end of time Oh, come what may Come what may I will love you Until my dying day Oh, come what may Come what may I will love you Suddenly the world seems Such a perfect place Come what may Come what may I will love you Until my daying day” 这是这场戏最后一部分,四月教授让莱特尔吻上了爱丽丝的唇,整部歌舞剧就会结束了。 四月教授说过,流苏可以背对着台子低下头,给人一种接吻的错觉。 凄婉的旋律依旧盘旋在整个台子上,流苏慢慢低下头…… 就在这时,四月教授喊道:“可以了!” |
应天故事汇(gsh.yzqz.cn) | |
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