首页 -> 2007年第8期


作者:熊 琪 雷江华

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  Current Situations and Strategies on Educational Fund
  Management in Special Schools
   XIONG Qi LEI Jianghua (Hua Zhong Normal University,Wuhan,430079)
  AbstractThe educational fund in special schools is mainly from the national finance fund in China, among which the enterprise fund disbursement is far more than the infrastructure fund disbursement. The ratio of student and teacher is high in special schools, and the investment benefit is relatively higher. But there are still some problems in fund management: little amount of investment, narrow channel, great regional disparity, diverted use of fund, inappropriate use structure and the low overall benefit. Therefore, special schools need to expand educational fund source channels, develop the system of special educational fund management, adjust the structure of fund disbursement and enhance the fund use benefit.
  Key wordsspecial school educational fund management current situations problem strategy

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