首页 -> 2007年第5期
作者:周 红
5 结语
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The Application of Art Therapy in Educating
Exceptional Children
(Hangzhou Research Center for College of Preschool Teacher,Zhejiang Normal University, Hangzhou, 310012)
As an important type of arts therapies, art therapy encourages and guides individuals to express their nonverbal emotions via activities like drawing, clay sculpture, etc... Individuals interact with the art therapist via the creation process and art works, so as to achieve harmony and conformity between body and mind. Currently, art therapy has been widely used in the rehabilitation and education of exceptional children in Europe and America. This serves as an inspiration for special education in China. While applying art therapy to exceptional children, the followings should be considered: A safe structural environment, supply of suitable materials, unconditional support and acceptance, trust in relationship, using play to facilitate creative activities in arts, and encouragement and respect to children's explanation of their works.
Key words
art therapy exceptional children education