首页 -> 2007年第2期


作者:安俊英 周华丽 付百文 贾 昊

  4 今后改进设想
  1 张宁生,王峥.为探索我国视障者高等教育模式所做的初步尝试—一位视障学生与一位特教工作者的体会.中国特殊教育,2000,3:50-52
  2 American Printing House for the Blind. Teacher's Pet. http://sun1.aph.org/tech/tpinfo.htm,2006-10-8
  3 朱清毅. “清毅校园考试系统”实现视障人考试信息无障碍. http://www.zgmx.org.cn,2006-10-15
  4 安俊英,付百文.视障学生练习考试系统应用.中国特殊教育,2004,(2):31-36
  5 付百文,安俊英.视障人员考试平台的设计与开发. 中国特殊教育,2005,(10):60-62
  6 许家成.试论大特殊教育观. 中国特殊教育,1999,(2):1-6
  A Research on Development of Testing Platform for
  People with Visual Impairments
  and Its Student Trial
  AN Junying1 ZHOU Huali2 FU Baiwen3 JIA Hao1
  (1. College of Special Education, Beijing Union University,Beijing, 100075;
  2. Beijing Union University, Beijing, 100101;
  3. Institute of Information and Technology, Beijing Union University, Beijing, 100101)
  In order to solve difficulties that teachers and students meet in evaluation and feedback of learning in education for people with visual impairments, the authors of this paper, guided by concept of modern special education, use deficiency compensation theory to design and develop “Xin Te Testing Platform for People with Visual Impairments” which takes actual testing situations of students with visual impairments into full consideration and is suitable for students, teachers and administrators in education for people with visual impairments. The platform also provides different forms for blind students and low-vision students to take the exam using the same testpaper in the same room with normal students, which is a new effective form of evaluation and testing for students with visual impairments. Student trial of this platform is organized and questionnaires are conducted. Then valuable conclusions are obtained based on the analysis: 1. Systematic functions and operating styles can meet different needs of blind students and low-vision students; 2. After two trials of this platform, all students accept and love this testing method through computer platform.
  Key words
  people with visual impairments testing platform development
