首页 -> 2007年第2期
作者:孟万金 刘在花 刘玉娟
2.2.3 特教师资专业培训严重短缺,受过特教专业培训的教师仅占特殊学校专任教师的一半左右
3 残疾儿童教育结果的不公平现象
3.1 六年级以后特殊儿童在校生人数急剧下降
3.2 残疾儿童中等职业教育发展非常薄弱
1 中华人民共和国义务教育法.1986年4月12日中华人民共和国主席令第38号公布
2 陈娉舒.我国每年新增0-6岁残疾儿童近20万.中国教育和科研计算机网.http://www.media.edu.cn/20031223/3096336.shtml,2003-12-23
3 中华人民共和国民政部. 中国1987年残疾人抽样调查资料提要. 北京:中国社会出版社,1991年12月
4 中华人民共和国民政部. 中国1987年残疾人抽样调查资料提要. 北京:中国社会出版社,1991年12月
5 唐万洁.走近徘徊于有声与无声之间的边缘人——关于随班就读后学生教育的若干思考.内部资料
6 蒋云尔.高等教育师范院校的办学定位.中国特殊教育,2004,7:91-94
7 中国残疾人事业“十五”计划纲要. http://www.cosn.net/htm/class/ordinance/2004-09-10905.htm,2004-09-12
8 赵小红.弱智学生职业教育研究概述.中国特殊教育,2004,1:28-32
9 残联发(2006)11号.中国残疾人事业“十五”计划纲要执行情况统计公报. http://temp.cdpj.cn/10thfive/2006-05/24/content_6414.htm,2006-05-22
There Is Still A Long Way to Go in Putting forward
Equity in Disabled Children Education
——The Fourth Comment on Equity in
Disabled Children Education
MENG Wanjin LIU Zaihua LIU Yujuan
(Department of Psychology and Special Education,
China National Institute for Educational Research, Beijing, 100088)
AbstractEquity in education includes equity in educational opportunity, educational process and educational outcome, while there are serious problems of disabled children education in the above three aspects. In the aspect of educational opportunity, compared with normal children, the enrollment rates of compulsory education and preschool education for disabled children are relatively low than those of normal children, while the rate of dropping out is higher than that of normal children. Even in the group of disabled children, different types and gender of disabled children and the economic development level of their hometown may influence their educational opportunities. In the aspect of educational process, the quality of learning in regular classes is relatively low, the quality of teachers in disabled children education is relatively low, and the quality of disabled children education can be hardly ensured. In the aspect of educational outcome, the number of disabled children who still stay in school above the sixth grade is decreasing rapidly. And the development of vocational education for disabled children is slow and weak, which forms the gap between education and employment. Therefore, there are still many challenges of equity in disabled children education in China, and we still have many responsibilities to fulfill.
Key wordsdisabled children equity in education process