          On The Way to Paradise A silky perfumed bra, hanging and 
          Dancing at 
          The end of a pink 
          Fashioned umbrella 
          Luring in front of 
          The running horse 
          On the way to the paradise 
          Horse is running 
          Looking at far away 
          That ocean of waving fire 
          The sky kisses the earth 
          Far away 
          An orange sphere of dream 
          On a scarlet plane of love 
          Far away 
          The future 
          The horse is chasing 
          Trying hard to look away from 
          The sexy smelly 
          Dancing bra 
          On the way to the paradise 
          She is smiling 
          Happier and happier 
          Head is high and hair proudly flies 
          No nonsense 
          Twin dancing legs 
          And a pair of swinging 
          Art of high heels 
          On the way to the paradise 
          The bra is waving faster 
          While that art of high heels 
          Sting the horse 
          With a sudden jump 
          The horse flies into the air 
          Tuft floating the wind 
          Eyes shining the sunset 
          Far away 
          That four dimensional 
          Orange colored 
          Scratched legs no longer no-nonsense 
          Broken heels no longer artistically high 
          And a bra soaked 
          With perfumed tears 
          Where she lies 
          On the way to the paradise 

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