首页 -> 2006年第11期



  Welfare agencies “if you touch my children, I’ll fight you”
  Policeman  felt alone and confused
  Father   “this is for the best”
  Mother   “we’ll teach them how to live a proper life”
  Archie   “go and get their dad!”
  (1)Set us up on mission land
  (2)This story’s right, this story’s true / I would not tell lies to you
  (3)Snatched from their mother’s breast / Said “this is for the best”
  (4)Like the promises they did not keep / And how they fenced us in like sheep
  (5)Said to us “come take our hand”
  (6)Then they took the children away / Took the children away/The children away
  (7)Took them away
  (8)Taught us to read, to write and pray
  [答案:(2),(4),(5),(1),(8),(6),(3),(7) ]
  One dark day on Framingham           falldown
  came__and didn’t give a damn
  My mother__cried__“go get their dad”     tell
  He came running__,fighting madgrow up
  Mother's tears werefalling down__tear     apart
  Dad shaped up and__stood____his ground
  He said“You touch my kids and you fight me”  take care
  And then they__took__us from our family     run
  They took us away, took us away
  Snatched__from our mother’s breast       stand
  Said“this is for the best”          say
  took us away                  snatch
  5、学生课后上网查询“Australian Policy of Assimilation”并交流。歌词读起来琅琅上口,唱起来娓娓动听。学生在视听英语歌曲的过程中,深深地受着文化的熏陶,由此获得的认识、情感,必将迁移到以后的英语学习中去,产生不可低估的作用。
  高中英语新课标要求学生从简单的语言输出上升到利用语言做事,并能根据自己的体验和感受,运用多种词汇、语句和文体写出具有个性的文章,近年各省市高考作文题都注意考查学生的语言实际运用能力,如今年的湖南卷要求考生展开想象,将英文短诗改写为一篇短文“My Teacher Mr. Moore”。改写是一种被广泛采用的语言教学手段,它的目的在于让学生广泛地了解和学习各种不同类型和风格的文章,如要求学生把学过的短文改写成对话、把对话改写成短文、把说明文改写成记叙文等。让学生根据英文歌曲进行改写练习,可以让学生自己去欣赏、品味、关注、思考歌曲内容,激发他们的写作兴趣,使其有话可写,有感而发,还能增强其写作信心,使其写作能力、技巧得到提高。
