首页 -> 2007年第4期
作者:秦 更
5 郑永廷.思想政治教育方法论[M].北京:高等教育出版社,1999.
Management by Objectives:Scientific Road of Universities' Ideological and Political Education Management
Qin Geng
(School of Education,Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou,Guangdong,510275)
AbstractIdeological and political education have the central status in the higher education,it's an organic entia involves a good many content,thereinto,ideological and political education management exerts the significant function.The theory of management by objectives innovate the universities' ideological and political education management by managing notion and managing mode,however,the applicability and scientificalness of management by objectives to the universities' ideological and political education must be demonstrated amply from the meanings,significance,implementary process and observing facet in order to roundly strengthen and ameliorate the criterion and availability of universities' ideological and political education management.
Key wordsuniversities' ideological and political education,objective,management by objectives.