首页 -> 2006年第21期




  The funeral of my great-grandfather had spurred my first thought on the subject of death. “There’s nothing we can do to prevent our fate,” my father replied knowingly to my concerns about dying. “All we can do is to make each moment count while we are alive.”
  Make each moment count. Like a guardian angel, these words have guided me from that day on. They have calmed me when I am nervous. They have given me strength and courage when I am weak.
  Now, five years later, I stand in a cluster of gossiping girls at our middle school dance. The current subject is the adorable new exchange student from Australia, named Jason.Suddenly the booming beat of the fast song stops and a slower rhythm fills the bustling gym. Our gazes once again shift to the other side of the gym, where Jason is standing with a group of his friends. All of the girls surrounding me decide that they would rather sit on the bleachers the rest of the night than risk rejection.I, however, decide to face the challenge.
  “I’ll ask him.” I reply courageously, and I turn to walk across the gym. The walk across the gym seems endless. I can feel my friends’ gazes burning my back. Suddenly I am there. I tap Jason lightly on the shoulder and say timidly, “Hi, uh, would you like to dance with me?”
  Silence. His eyes widen slightly and I can see his brain searching to find an excuse.Finally he answers, “Actually, uh, I was kinda planning on sitting this one out.”
  The words are shattering. Calmly I reply, as if unaffected by this answer, “That's all right.” I turn away before he can utter an apology and walk briskly back to the bleachers.
  Throughout my life there will be victories and defeats. There will not, however, be regrets, because I will know that I have made each moment count. Sometimes it takes a defeat to create a victory. Taking the risk of rejection was more appealing than wasting the whole dance wondering what would have happened.I made those moments count.
  After a few minutes, another rhythm sounds up. To my surprise, Jason is coming my way.
  “Hey, I was wondering if you would like to dance with me during the next slow song?” he asks sheepishly.
  My hands are shaking slightly. “Yeah, that would be great,” I reply with a winning smile.
  The night is definitely still young.