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Q:What community projects that can use your professional skills are particularly interesting to you?
A:As a marketing person, I've offered free advice to our local high school for its fundraisers, as well as to a local realestate office whose success could help my rural community's realestate values.
Q:If you had unlimited leisure time, how would you spend that time?
A:I dont think I could ever be happy with lots of spare time. Id probably travel, learn another language, and spend more time with my two charities. I'd also take more courses in accounting.
Q:Describe how a sport or hobby taught you a lesson in teamwork or discipline.
A:My football coach from high school taught me always to watch out for the other guy. If you do, he'll cover you when you need him to. I've applied that principle in all my work groups, especially on the trading floor.
Q:When you aren't at work, do you prefer to stick to a schedule, or do you prefer to be spontaneous? Why?
A:My workday is very structured because I'm generally in four or five meetings a day. On the weekends, I like to have a plan, but not necessarily a set schedule. That in itself is a relaxing change of pace for me, but I feel I'd be wasting time with no plan at all.
Q:Tell me about an interest that you outgrew.
A:Early on, I wanted to be a research physician. Then I spent time in a chemistry lab and realized I wasnt looking forward to the next two years of lab work. That's why I've chosen marketing for medical equipment instead. It combines my respect for the medical profession with a job that's more suited to my personality.
Q:Describe a movie you've seen that really inspired you.
A:I loved one part of an otherwise depressing movie, One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest. In one scene the nurse refuses to turn on the TV for the World Series, so Jack Nicholson looks at the blank screen and starts narrating as though the game were actually on. The other patients gather around him and follow the game. I thought that scene was an example of the power of visualization in making things happen.

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