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Q:How have your technical skills been an asset?
A:Although I never planned on a career as a writer or publisher,much of my job in marketing has depended on good writing and creative layout skills.My parttime college job with a newspaper taught me a lot about desktop publishing,how to position something on a page effectively,and how to write short sentences with maximum impact.In all of my marketing jobs,Ive been able to explain my goals clearly to graphic designers,which has helped me avoid costly design revisions.
Q:Describe a situation in which youve applied technical skills to solve a problem.
A:One of our components kept arriving at distribution points with stress cracks.My materialsscience background helped me to diagnose the problem as one of storage temperature during shipping.Although our equipment was safely stored at both end points,it had been sitting in unairconditioned cargo space for up to thirty hours before reaching its destination. We're now using a different shipping company,and we've improved our labeling on large shipments to reflect the users warning about temperature extremes. 
Q:How do your technical skills,combined with other skills,add to your effectiveness on the job?
A:My strong economics background,along with my computersales experience,provide a balanced set of skills to perform financial research on the computer industry.
Most of my contacts and hobbies are also related to high tech,so I offer a natural curiosity that helps me stay abreast of changes in the industry. 
Q:Describe how youve used a problemsolving process.
A:We once had several customers who'd arranged numerous free hotel stays around the country using our 100 percent atisfaction guarantee.I suggested leading a PC task force to set up a warning system that flags any guest name corresponding to a revious reported complaint or free service.Now when a guest checks in and we type in a name,we know immediately that the person has had an unpleasant experience at one of our hotels.We proactively approach the guest,acknowledge were aware of the problem,and offer our commitment to do everything possible to provide them with impeccable service.This practice warns the potentially fraudulent guest;at the same time,it warns our staff to be especially careful with any guest whos giving our hotel a second chance.Our satisfaction rate has improved,and fraudulent cases have decreased.
Q:How do you usually go about solving a problem?
A:When I need to solve a problem,I generally start by writing down as many ideas as I can think of about possible causes.Next I look for relationships among causes so I can group together symptoms of bigger problems.Usually,after I study these groups of problems,the real cause becomes readily apparent.

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