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Great, Timeless advice, Truly unique — this book is a gem! Buy it and read it over and over again, as I have! Then buy few more for your closest friends — they make great Birthday gifts.
I wish I had read this when I was 18 instead of when I was 30. I read this several years ago and have been paying myself first ever since. I can′t wait to read this to my daughters as a bedtime story when they are old enough.
I first heard about this book 17 years ago and have to admit, I hated it! I thought it was stupid, like feel good stuff that has no substance. But Mr. Rohns words of wisdom kept echoing in my mind. So I read it over and over until the principles were imbedded into my mind. Soon, after the fifth reading, the principles became habits for me. My wealth accumulated at a very rapid rate. I was no longer wasting money.
A book is must reading for anyone who wants to achieve maximum financial success. Highly recommended. Read and use the principles in this book. It will make all the difference in the world. Great book that really works — if you use it.
A book must read for all future and current wealth builders, I have personally met a dozen millionaires who attribute reading this book to creating wealth and financially independence. This book is easy enough and short enough to be read in one night. I recommend that you read it every night for a month until the ideas seep into your soul.
This incredible book has been a best seller for over 8 decades. The Best of the Best in Books. I can′t say enough good things about this book. I love this book. I recommend this book to everyone of my friends and clients.
When I discovered this book I realized for the first time that success can be planned. There are systems that can be put in place that will guide you financially towards wards success. This book is essential for everyone that is trying to get out of the mun daneness of living from paycheck to paycheck.
Very pedagogical. The author organizes the book as if telling the legend of the richest man in Babylon. It makes the material more accessible. The principles outline are good too. Of course, I won′t really know until later in my life, but they seem sensible and have had what I consider a good impact on my life.

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